I think that because my kids are a bit older I forget to talk about babies so I wanted to take a week aside and talk about the wonderful world of BABIES! So if you have special interests and questions please email me and I will be sure to address your issues.
I am going to start off with a list of the things that a new parent 'might' need to buy new and the things you should just borrow from friends... I always get asked this question, and it's one of the reasons I started Nonchalant Mom and that I have the selection that I have... I don't think that everything has to be new, trading and sharing with friends is one of the real joys of parenting and friendship. Then we are going to write about some healing tips on essential problems that not everyone likes to talk about (hemorrhoids! etc), and we will see where the week takes us!
I just wanted to invite everyone to send in comments on issues that you would like addressed and we will do our best to get at each and everyone on of them. (maybe this will take more than a week!)
happy parenting!