
Wee See: to the rescue !!

The return to school routine is not always easy after a long rest of the mind over Summer. Our kids have been doing fairly well, but I've noticed a bit of edge by the afternoon that I can only suspect has to do with a full days concentration being required at school. So, somewhere between quiet time and full on play time I have let the kids 'chill' out for a bit in front of Wee See. Those of you who have already rushed the gates and got your copy, or copies, know how happy a thing it is. Your children get to watch TV, but they are doing so with the parental knowledge that what they are watching is quite good for their mind and pretty unique in terms of children's entertainment .... these DVD's are third-eye kind of energy, if you know what I mean! I tried the harmless experiment a few times since school began and it's worked like a charm. The kids weren't so edgy or grumpy and were actually entranced by their own imaginations, rather than someone else - and it's just plain nice to see them watch something that hasn't got a lot of crashing sounds and quick edits. And, the soundtrack is perfect for a calming effect throughout the house. FANTASTIC !!

If you haven't purchased your copies yet, I still have some left. You really should check it out - find the DVD's on my website and simply click on the bottom of each collection's box to bring up the shopping cart. Trust me when I tell you that rumor has it that our friends at Wee See are going to be featured in October's issue of Cookie Magazine (coming to you very soon) and you know what that's going to do to supplies.

Come on in and get yours now! I'd say even your littlest ones will love it. Wee See is a piece of art in your own home!

Try a sample.....

wee see - collection one from Rolyn Barthelman on Vimeo.

wee see - collection two from Rolyn Barthelman on Vimeo.