Wow! Cookie Magazine's Top 100 - Nonchalant Mom!
Boy I couldn't be happier... Thank you Cookie Magazine for including me in their Top 100!
I am part of "The Plugged in Mom's Bookmarks Bar" (love that...) it goes on to say "You know that mom who always seems to know about everything before anyone else? (who probably isn't still listening to Alanis Morissette on her iPod?) Our guess is she's obsessed with these websites." My entry includes the quote: "Nonchalant Mom - Indie kids'-clothing lines--and an inspired parenting blog." How about that!! and I LOVE COOKIE MAGAZINE, thank you very much!
There are many inspiring articles in this issue so I hope you have a chance to pick it up (August 2009) with Vera Farmiga on the cover, how refreshing she is and really, really beautiful! And there's lots lots more fantastical information in this issue!
It's a perfect summer beach-read!