
Nonchalant Mom is looking to GROW!

This past year I’ve been giving much thought to the future of Nonchalant Mom. I’m very happy to inform you that I’ve got many new ideas I’d love to introduce and start developing. Lot’s of new ideas! I’m most excited to tell you that I’ve got ideas for expanding on the concept of Nonchalant Mom, bring you new clothing lines and other new products, and develop other areas of Nonchalant Mom that I’ve been dreaming about since the beginning of this very special business.

Because of this, I’ve also had the opportunity to revisit my first days and weeks of business back when I began in the Summer of 2004. It was a time when there were no online kids businesses. I was very sure of the kind of business I wanted to build, and I knew I had more than enough experience to see it through. BUT, I didn’t know how people would respond and at the time I didn’t have tons of money to secure myself if anything went wrong. Basically, I had this great idea to build Nonchalant Mom but I did not have any idea how the outcome would play.

Well, I can tell you. It’s gone very very well so far. Over the past (almost) 7 years Nonchalant Mom has grown in size and scope repeatedly each successive year. It expands on average each and every month, year after year. It was almost hard to believe that even during the height of economic turmoil over the past few years in particular, Nonchalant Mom continued to grow. It was proof to me that my idea of running a good, honest, and quality business could be successful.

Yet, as Nonchalant Mom continued to grow, the pressure on me also grew. It grew more and more difficult to manage a business growing this steadily. I can tell you now that Nonchalant Mom has finally reached a point where it can’t grow any larger with just myself wearing many of the hats required to run a business like this! So, this last year I started to look outwards for a remedy to this new situation. If Nonchalant Mom was going to consider moving forward and continuing to grow it was going to need to engage outside sources to help.

At first, I started by looking into conventional means. I went to banks, I went to investment groups, and even to my state officials. I wanted to see what my options might be – what I could consider and what I couldn’t. Over the last few months in particular I started to realize something. If Nonchalant Mom was originally built on a simple idea and with an alternative type of approach, why now would I just be focusing on traditional forms of funding or assistance? It didn’t make sense to me. And the more I spoke to these various people about my unique plan and approach, the more I realized that the fit just wasn’t what I really wanted for Nonchalant Mom, it needs someone with the vision and energy to see what it’s all about.

It is for this reason this I’ve decided to return to my original sensibility. I want to reach out to the very people who might know me best. The kind of person who understands how Nonchalant Mom operates and can appreciate what Nonchalant Mom stands for. I’ve decided to open myself up and approach all of you directly. I would like to hear from financially creative people about possibly joining forces and investment ideas. I want to learn more about what your dream is, and how you think you can help take Nonchalant Mom to the next level – towards a whole new set of goals and dreams! Nonchalant Mom is such a great idea and I think that together with the right people it can be a bigger, stronger and better force of goodness in the industry.

You know where to reach me! I’m always at the other end of an email... 
