
LIKE us on facebook and twitter!

Yes, I am making my way into this century and we do HAVE a facebook page and twitter, I actually have an intern from the University of Rhode Island helping me out (say HI to Katie!) with these things so that we can be smart and be on FACEBOOK and TWITTER! I don't know about you but I do use facebook and it's pretty addicting and fun to find people from your past, I had no idea I knew this many people in my small High School. And good for business... yes it is! It can get the word out there faster than anything, although I have to say that I still just love my blog, so don't worry, it's always my main focus.

What we will be different on facebook is that we 'may' announce specials or quicker kind of deals for shopping on Nonchalant Mom. We are planning on a monday 'spotlight' item in which we will talk about something we LOVE and can't seem to live without, we've got a lot of those...

So follow us on Facebook or Twitter by clicking here:


Thank You!