
macrobiotic summer conference - July 22-25, 2010

Each year I promise myself that I am going to make it to the Kushi Institute Macrobiotic Summer Conference, but it's been two years since I last attended, and I truly miss it! Officially they call it "Peace and Joy through Health and Vitality" which gives you an idea of what you are in for... four days of classes in health, cooking, exercises and much more... Visit the Kushi Website for complete details and have fun choosing the classes you would like to take each session.

The Conference is set up in sessions, up to four each day, and then you can choose from 5-6 different classes each session -- there is sure one to peak your interest! (I found myself choosing 2-3 favorites each session).

Some of the classes are:

-Yin or Yang? Understanding Your Balance
-Beyone Normal Health and Healing - How to Increase Your Everday Energy and Vitality
-Facial Diagnosis - Find Your Hidden Strengths
and one of my personal favorites:
-Discover the Energies and Cooking Styles of Each Season

These are just a few of my picks... but I hope that you are interested to join one of the most interesting and life-changing movements that you can find. When you gain all of this knowledge that is available to you it's impossible to pretend you don't know it... Macrobiotics is just simply something that makes sense to me and I hope that you will come to feel the same way after you attend some classes and take in some of this exciting information.

I hope that I will see you there... and if you do decide to go please send me an email so that we can meet up!

visit the Kushi Institute website for more information on the Conference
Macrobiotic Summer Conference - July 22-25 - 2010