
roasted beets

We love roasted beets and this year we got to use the ones from our very own garden which, as you may already know, were the size of melons! They didn't taste any different it just took about one or two to chop up into cubes and fill a roasting pan and feed the entire family (and the neighbors!) and also have some leftovers for a very nice roasted beet pasta!

These are very easy and get you over the everyday, although delicious, boiled beets. Once you peel them and cut them up all you have to do is toss them in the oven, it's my favorite way to cook things because it feels so easy. Once they are in the oven you are almost done!

Roasted Beets
preheat oven to 375 or 400 degrees
Peel and cut beets into medium - large size cubes (save the beet greens for later and see below) and but them into a bowl, drizzle with about 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil (I almost never worry about using too much olive oil, and if you should happen to get any one your hands just rub it in to make your hands soft!). Add a bit of salt and pepper and you can add rosemary if you want or just keep it simple. Now I have done this two ways, you can take Balsamic Vinegar (about 1-2 tablespoons) and drizzle on now or after you are done roasting them, either way it's good, maybe a bit more intense (more sweet) if you put it on before. Mix this up in your bowl with your hands and make sure that everything gets coated, pour onto a roasting pan and spread out into one layer. I try to clean out the bowl with a spatula so not as to waste anything and it makes everything all the better! You may want to add a bit more salt and pepper now... however you like it...

roast for 30 - 40 minutes and they come out juicy and delicious!

Kids love them because they are sweet, it may take a moment to get them to eat them but once they try them... they will love them! (don't forget to remind them that when they go to the 'bathroom' after they may see some crazy colors and no it's not blood!!) If you have a memory like mine, it's easy to forget what you had the night before and it can give you as scare as well but Beets are really so good for you!

Steamed Beet Greens
Clean the beet greens and chop up a bit so that it's easy for kids to eat, put in a steamer with cold water and turn on the flame, as soon as the water starts to boil turn off flame and let sit for a few minutes until greens are bright and dark but not totally wilted (and if you steam them too much it's fine.. just do it less next time). Beet greens taste great just the way they are or you can drizzle with some olive oil, a bit of salt or they are best with gomasio. But just make sure you don't toss them out, these greens are PACKED with vitamins, minerals and calcium! They are particularly yummy with brown rice!

Or a perfect meal is - sauteed tofu with onions, brown rice and beet greens and roasted beets! (just an idea...) good luck on your happy and healthy cooking!