For one week only we have put the Antik Batik collection on sale - the new collection as well as the already on sale collections... I really love Antik Batik and we would like to pass on some savings to you. You may have noticed that their collection was priced higher this season that in the past, it's a little hard to explain and has to do with international shipping, duties, etc... but in the end I felt it was higher than it has in the past so I wanted to offer 20% off so that it wasn't so out of reach.
We will take the 20% off when we process and ship your order, so you will not see the discount when you receive your email confirmation, but you will see it reflected on your receipt with your package (sorry we are a bit behind the times with the discount codes and such!). This offer is only for one week, April 16th - April 24th... at midnight on the 24th the sale will end.
This is a bit out of the ordinary for Nonchalant Mom to offer an in-season sale but I wanted to pass some savings onto you after tax time... uff Da!
Antik Batik - Spring 2009 collection (click here)
Antik Batik - already on sale... (click here)