I am so excited to announce the arrival of Britt Beautiful Skin, which is a skin brushing system developed by my sister Linda (who guest blogs here from time to time about food, feng shui and massage and I have realized that she has quite a following!). She has spent the last few years working on this project and it has become a passion for her, I am so proud of the outcome which will make your skin and your whole body more vital and radiant! This is the perfect time of year to start your own skin brushing regime, it only takes 5-10 minutes and you can do it 3-5 times a week (easy right!?).. it's simple and easy and you will feel great when you are done!
I wanted Linda to introduce the Britt Beautiful Skin system in her own words, so here you go (and then I will go on and rave just a bit more...):

Linda Redmond - creator of Britt Beautiful Skin
Along this macrobiotic path that my sister introduced to me about 15 years ago, I discovered skin brushing. It is so easy and the benefits are so great that I think everyone should skin brush. It should be the new U.S. Healthcare Plan: Eat local and organic and skin brush (only half kidding). Skin brushing invigorates your entire body, bringing fresh circulation of your blood to every cell in your body and helping your body to detox by stimulating your lymph system.
Introducing the Britt Beautiful Skin system:
The Britt Beautiful Skin system is inspired by nature, it is very simple and based on practices that have been practiced for thousands of years.
Asians used vigorous skin brushing with loofa sponges as a prelude to their traditional hot bath. Ancient Greek athletes used specialized spoon like scrapers to remove the grime after physical exertion and to encourage circulation. American Indians skin brushed with dried corn cobs to enhance skin beauty and durability.
The use of organic natural oils has also been used by ancient people as well. If you read the The Odyssey you will find that Odysseus used oil on his body. The Ancient Egyptians used oil on their bodies and was such a prized possession they were found in their pyramids, buried with them to help them in their after life.
Brushing your skin and applying these organic oils (nothing artificial, no parabens) will revitalize your skin and your entire body. Your skin is a vital organ, if it is dry or rough or stiff it can't effectively do its job, skin brushing tightens the skin and increases cell renewal . This whole process, skin brushing and applying the oils takes about 5 to 10 minutes. It does take some effort, but anything worth having has always been that way. There is no magic pill or lotion that will give you beautiful skin. Wouldn’t you know the answer comes from something people realized thousands of years ago: skin brushing and using a completely natural, and abundant natural product – seed oils. There is no simpler or more natural way out there to get healthy, balanced skin.
It is important to brush according to the directions to get maximum benefit to your lymph system, for example the major lymph nodes in your armpits should be circulating before the areas that drain into them. Included with the brushes you will receive a booklet with complete directions (and images so that there is a visual of exactly how and where to brush), it's very easy and you can decide how soft of hard to brush. I think that if you are pregnant (or planning on being pregnant) it would be wonderful to use the system to prepare your skin and body for pregnancy.
You can visit the website and it will answer any questions you may have about brushing your skin but the benefits are amazing and I am so excited for everyone to try the Britt Beautiful Skin System! The brushes are natural brushes and then the oils that she has developed are totally organic and natural, she says "The oils I use are organic (to benefit the earth) and are not fragranced. I’ve discovered that fragrance contains preservatives even though they are not listed in the ingredients. Remember, your skin is a vital organ. Carefully read the ingredients of anything you put on it. Preservatives and many other chemicals found in cosmetics and lotions are harmful to your body. These chemicals enter your body and deposit who knows where. There are studies that show parabens (artificial preservatives) are found in breast cancer tissue. These oils are entirely natural. Nothing added."
Linda found this quote from Leonard de Vinci and it really sums up the way we both feel about the world.
"Beauty and vitality are gifts from nature for those who live according to her laws"
-Leonardo de Vinci
I hope that you will try the Britt Beautful Skin system I think that it's the perfect season to try it and I hope that your whole family can enjoy it! --Thank you Linda for creating such a wonderful and beautiful thing!