We had a very fun baby shower on Sunday for my friend, this is actually her fourth baby but I thought it would be fun to have a shower because no matter how many you have it's always fun to celebrate a baby!! AND this was her first girl so... being all girly about it... we made it a PINK party! (and only girls were invited! HA!). It also just so happens that we surprised her with the party... and I don't care who you are it's always exciting when you can pull it off and we did!

So here is the easy way to a PINK PARTY - send out pink invites (and not that silly soft pink that is baby-like go fluorescent!) we told people to bring pink gifts, wear pink and whatever else pink they could think of... then we decorated with these amazing pom poms (which I blogged about before, you can either buy these or we just made them the night before!-here is the link to directions), we served pink food (not as easy as it sounds..), and we had a nice summer Rosé that we love right now (it's fresh and slightly bubbly - Casal Garcia Rosé from Portugal)!
We didn't play 'guess my weight' because I know my friend wasn't interested in knowing that fact... but we did open lots of pink presents! and we made Angela wear a pink pom pom necklace (which she said would hang over the babies bed next!) - what a fun PINK day...
here are some ideas for recipes and links to recipes:

smoked salmon canapes
potato chip, cremé fraiche, smoked salmon, piece of dill garnish
cheese dip
any strong soft cheese, roasted garlic, a bit of creme cheese, red pepper
put in food processor and it will turn pink
(serve with french bread cut into thin slices and crackers)
olives - these aren't pink but we still like them (green looks nice with pink!)
red tortilla chips - just pretend they are pink!
(both the rasberry recipes are from this months Everyday Food - May 2010 :: not online yet so you have to buy the magazine! -you'll love it!)
rasberry-lemon whoopie pies - super easy and light and yummy!
strawberry cake - see tomorrows post for recipe! it's a favorite in our house!)
chocolate-rasberry tart - girls in a room together need chocolate!