a Horseshoe, for that awkward moment when you arrive at someones house to visit for a summer weekend, now you can pull this out and 'tadaaa..', handily called the 'hostess gift'. We have many visitors and I happen to love this little tradition! So, if you come to my house this summer, I want this little horseshoe - to put above our door! ("U" facing up so that it catches all the good luck!)

This little ditty could drive you to sew, or at least pretend to! A terrific little something for that wonderful little someone friend that sews... all the time! ... and needs one!

And finally for that gardener in the family, a hat and gloves. I tell you gardening can feel so much better when you have the right stuff! (and it can make you get out there and work more often too!)
..okay a shovel and trowel help too!

--husbands take note for mothers day gifts!
All available at Hable Construction website (not at mine... boo hoo!)
oh, and they also have an assortment of sizes for pillow inserts, this is always a problem and I know that theirs are very good quality! They suggest putting in new inserts after five years--good idea!