
Juice Cleanse :: final

We finished off the juice cleanse, it was a 7-day cleanse, on days one and two we eased into it with green smoothies and then eased out the same way. It was not difficult and I felt better than I ever through the whole thing! Before I went into this I was having lots of allergy problems, with dust and seasonal allergies. I realized a few days after the cleanse was over that I didn't have those symptoms anymore, no more sneezing and waking up with watery eyes. And even now a week later they are still gone... For this alone the juice cleanse was amazing. I also lost quite a few pounds, not sure how many, but I feel much lighter - the tire around my waist is almost gone.

The things that have stuck with me after the cleanse are the juicing techniques I learned from Rebecca. I have been using them to make various smoothies, sauces with dinner, and lots of green dips. I would love to share some recipes but at this point I am just making something up new each time. I will say that cashew butter has been a big part, it makes everything lovely! Rebecca gave us a whole litany of recipes for smoothies all of which are delicious.

I think the juice cleanse can have the results of anything you are looking for, digestive problems, cleaning out your colon, starting you on a path to a good diet, allergies.. there are a whole range of problems that can but solved with a juice cleanse. It gave me so much energy, I got so much done, I was focused and strong throughout. My taste buds are more in tune with what I want to be eating and my sense of smell just became so strong and aware. Most of all if it's something you have always wanted to do, just do it! It doesn't take any preparation and it will impact your life in so many ways!

read more about Rebecca Briggs and her hOMenaturale cleanse
she has another one coming up October 10-17 or 21-29, 2014