We would like to dispel the idea that sweatpants or denim are okay for Holiday dinner! We are fans of making the day special and looking the part!
Here are our favorite suggestions for the coming Holiday Season:
for the GIRLS:
for the BOYS:
Well for the boys it's not like they can wear bows and a skirt... so we opt for a nice shirt! lately we like to use a Jacket too.. we have ONE that works for just about every event... its by Makie! (I don't sell them yet but soon..)
PARTY GIRL (a bit avant garde!)
PARTY BOY (a fake bow-tie is better than NO bow-tie!)
The CALIFORNIA BOY (or the skateboarding boy)
THE TUTU GIRL (you need ONE of these at every party!)
OR just add a tutu to just about any outfit you may already have (hint: you can bring this with you and pull it out when the tutu girl just can't be suppressed any longer!)
Go out and ENJOY no matter what you do!!