This new online magazine has a refreshing take on the whole kid-magazine thing. It all seems more simple, easy and fun to make and do things with your kids! And then the whole nordic take, with the focus only on Scandinavian brands, gives us a chance to see some very different collections and designers that have not had press attention before. But I have to say, my favorite section was the kids treats, I have pretty good feeling I will be making ALL of these for my kids... (and I need to get those cute candy sprinkles too!)
you need to click through to the magazine for the full story (and better images!) - click here! These are rice crispy treats with white chocolate and sprinkles and then cake w/sprinkes (just wrapped cuter!!) and then my favorite... drum roll... chocolate dipped bananas with sprinkles!
The world of fashion in Lille Nord is even better.. just simple clothes, what kids wear for summer.. and super cute-ly (I know that's not a real word but it should be!) styled photos! They also go WAY beyond the designed kids room.. how about this: a kids YURT! now that's a GREAT idea! think summers kids sleeping out in the yurt! OKay so theirs is in a HOUSE, but I'm not sure what would fit in ours so I am just going to do it outside! right! super idea!
And lot's of DIY tips that will take you through the summer in a great way, if not through the summer it will get you started. I have found that all you need is to get your kids started... like give them these great home made stamps and they can take that idea a LONG LONG way... more stamps, stamp furniture... you can see where this is going... your kids can keep busy with this DIY idea for weeks!
See the whole issue here and look with your kids so they can see the fun that's coming their way!
Lille Nord magazine