The average family brings home 1,000 bags every year. Most of those bags end up in land fills. That really adds up - 100 billion plastic bags are sent to landfill in the US each year.
and as for reusable bags, it's of those things I can never remember to bring to the store; 1) because I have no memory, and 2) because they are usually bulk and stiff...well no more! baggu is here to make your reusable shopping bag more chic and colorful! baggu was created by mother-daughter team emily and joan who saw the need for a stylish reusable bag as they carried their groceries home from the store each day. not a very unique story but when they did something about it they certainly did become unique! I love them and it's easy to keep an assortment in your car or don't forget your baggu and always look chic stepping out of your market! visit their website to order your baggu bags and read more about the waste of plastic bags!