
baby week - a bit more on sleep and your baby

I think that the decision is not hard to make when it comes to co-sleeping or not, even if you think that you won't at some point your little baby will end up in bed with you (unless you or your spouse are a terribly hard sleeper). It's just a nice way to live and I can't imagine it any other way. There are a few traps that you may find yourself getting into so watch out and think things through a bit so that you know the obstacles that may come up and so that you know how you want to answer them when they do. I would suggest Dr. Michel Cohens book "The New Basics" it's the most comprehensive book on parenting without being overwhelming (because having is a baby is overwhelming enough!). It is arranged by 'issue' in alphabetical order so yes, there is a chapter called "sleep"!

Dr. Michel Cohen is pretty funny in his book when he explains that "In observing family dynamics, I was puzzled as to why some babies would sleep through the night and others wouldn't. I learned that the parents who were a little less responsive to late-night fussing always had kids who were good sleepers, while the jumpy folks had kids who would wake up repeatedly at night until it became unbearable." I think that you will find that after a few nights there will be a rhythm between you and your husband and your baby and you will figure it out together. Make sure you get your spouse involved in the nighttime activities, it will bring him closer to the baby and although you may want to handle it all yourself it's good for him to do things too. Make some bottles so that he can feed the baby from time to time and if your baby wants nothing to do with a bottle just give it to your husband and let them figure it out, it will be frustrating at first but in the end its good for everyone. He will feel more involved and your baby will get the feel for a bottle which may come in handy from time to time!

When it comes time to move the baby into his/her crib or bed it's a good idea to create a rhythm, play for a bit at night, take a bath, sing songs, put your baby into her/his crib when she is still awake, say good night and voila! In the beginning it will never go like this but keep up the ritual, whatever it may be, and eventually they will get into the rhythm with you.

Good Luck and see you in the morning!