
Meditation and Chanting anyone?

My sister has been going on some amazing yoga trips lately, she just got back from one in Colorado so I asked her to write a blog about it. I would like to add that she is at a very different point in her life than me and probably many of you if you are reading my blog, she just sent her youngest daughter off to college! As you can imagine we are a big help to each other because we are so different, right now she is yoga tripping her way across the country! Finding herself after raising her kids (oh that sounds so trite but you know what I mean!), I am so happy for her taking this time to herself, and at the same time, with each trip I can't help but yell out "I wanna go!!!" I hope this is an inspiration to you as much as it is for me!

Meditation and Chanting
- by Linda Redmond
I’ve always been curious about these mystical practices and decided to investigate (especially easy to do after dropping off my “baby” at the University of Colorado in Boulder for her freshman year a few weeks earlier).

Every year, there is a yoga conference at the surprisingly beautiful YMCA camp in
Estes Park Colorado. This year the headliner was a yogi, TKV Desikachar. His father was the one who taught Iyengar, and many other of the famous teachers of today. He was a very humble and unpretentious man known for his healing techniques and was sharing them with us. All his stories of healing had the same message, chanting and meditation. It didn’t matter what your beliefs were, whether Hindu Gods, Christian, Jewish, etc, it didn’t matter. Asking for the healing power in the form of chants or mantras repeatedly and meditation, breathing can heal anything.

After chanting with Mr. Desikachar and his wife for maybe 45 minutes and then some breathing exercises for about 15 minutes, I was amazed with the vibrational energy felt from the top of my head to the tips of my fingers and toes. I think the whole room was stunned by this phenomenon. What is also amazing is that I can get this heightened energy even at home when I am practicing and not in the presence of a great guru. Clearly, there is something to this.

more information on TKV Desikachar:

T.K.V. Desikachar
is a world-renowned yoga teacher and the son of the legendary T. Krishnamacharya, who is known for revolutionizing the modern practice of yoga. Like his father, Desikachar's teaching is characterized by a personalized, one-on-one approach that modifies a wide variety of yoga techniques to meet the different healing needs of each individual. Desikachar has been a leader in yoga therapy for more than 30 years and is founder of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai, India, and cofounder, with his son Kausthub, of the Krishnamacharya Healing Yoga Foundation (KHYF).

for more information you can read his book:
The heart of Yoga

Thank you Linda for sharing your experience!