I am so happy to be able to offer you these magnificent books, I hope you take advantage of them. They are as much a book as a workbook and no matter how 'enlightened' you are, or at what level you are in your practice this book will be wonderful for you. Even if you are a beginner like me, you can touch your toe into the pool of becoming stronger, more focused and moving to your 'center'. I found that this book gave me the tools to look deep inside and come out with a way to work that makes me happier and 'lighter' because I like what I do so much more, it has more meaning. Through her text Sarah makes it all feel so welcoming and as if you are talking to a friend. I honestly can't say enough about this book, if you get one for yourself I would suggest to get one for a friend you know will appreciate it, I feel so good that I can share this book with as many people as I can.
Each moon phase is explained with ceremonies to do for each - which is my favorite part! To sit with a candle, crystal and meditate - she gives you suggestions or you can make up your own ideas to mediate on, it's powerful and magikal.
And I am sorry to say that this is the last year that Sarah will be writing this book, it was a three year journey for her and then she will send us all off like little snowflakes to do good in this lifetime. I hope you enjoy!
shop the book on my website here - they sell out fast and when they are gone, they are gone!
love - carina
conscious city guide
I stumbled upon this wonderful website Conscious City Guide which lists events going on all over the world, with one thing in common - these events are all good for you, good for your soul and good for you as a human being, they are 100% created to make you feel better about yourself and why you are on this planet. AND I am pretty sure that some events are free others have an option to purchase a ticket. With headline words like: RETREATS, MOVE, INSPIRE, NOURISH, CREATE, GLOW, and CONNECT you can easily find something going on near you, there are completely obscure or large events - it's all good. I would suggest a visit and see what's going on near you, this is new so I predict it's just going to get bigger and bigger!
Or maybe you want to list your won event... host a meditation!
a bit about the founders Mel Nahas and Kiki Falconer -
we are women who woke and want the world to wake.
we come from many fields with a unified mission: to raise consciousness.
we have come together to collaborate because now is the time to unite, to gather our tribe and allies.
the earth needs us. we need usI am excited to see this community grow! Perhaps if you are traveling it's nice to check and see if there is anything interesting going on in your destination.... more to do, always more to do!
Conscious City Guide
navigating this new landscape....
Because my circle of friends includes lot's of makers and shop owners, when we get together we can't help but talk about "what the heck is going on....", yes this has a lot to do with politics but I try to steer my conversations to something we can have an impact on... our businesses! In this age of something crazy happening just about every day, be it large and horrifying, or small and trivial but none the least absurd, it's hard to keep focused on our businesses. We all feel compelled to care and help and well... try to figure this shit out!
I think the biggest change is the dwindling number of small shop owners like me who have a business that is sincerely our job and what we do to keep our family going, THESE are the businesses that I like to talk to - to see what they are doing to stay alive in this time of upheaval and change. There was a time when a great tragedy would render silence from me and others with businesses - but today, there is a necessity to keep going, keep working, do what we can - I really like the way that Jess Brown pulled together with her friends and neighbors in Northern California to create an auction (btw it ends soon so if you haven't got in there yet get yourself in there and shop the terrific maker wares with 100% of proceeds going to California Fire Relief - click here for more information). But if we are quiet our businesses will die, and that's not good. In my small town there are so many shuddered businesses, large and small, it's incredible and I honestly wonder what our small towns are going to look like if we don't keep the small guy in business!
I have taken a lot of time, and I certainly still do not have it figured out, but I have decided to change my business. When I started in 2004 the idea for my shop was quite unique mostly because it was a 'boutique' online, but I knew I needed to include my information on raising healthy children in a macrobiotic way (that was the smart part) because that information was just not on the internet at the time... well THAT'S changed! You can get so much great information online but sometimes it's not from a friend, like me (I hope I have become a friend after all these years!) so I want to keep it going, friendly recipes and links to people I trust to help you make choices in the larger landscape of the internet that's out there.
I am also changing my shop - my kids are growing up - they are now 12 and 15 years old! As I talk to most of you, your kids are growing up as well. I am getting back into my creative life, it took a lot of courage but I am so happy to have made the move into making things again. I spent many years making clothing and sweaters but now I am moving into new horizons... so exciting for me. I have been making pottery here and there for the last five years and I am finally moving into something I am proud of so offering some of my pottery pieces in the shop (unfortunately they sell pretty quick here in the shop so not much makes it online - I'm working on that). The pottery has also brought me closer to making my own artwork, which is still a bit of a work in progress and when it evolves fully you will be the first to know.
When we opened our first shop in our small town eight years ago I shared the space with a friend who made jewelry, she introduced me to a bit of beading, which was fine while I had little kids running around, but I was very intrigued by the art of jewelry making and my friend is a master - she came from a prominent family of jewelry-making here in Rhode Island (did you know this was the jewelry making capitol years ago-before it all moved to China) - she has been a voice for me and such a strong mentor, Robin Mollicone has created a jewelry collection that is as much her as it is at the forefront of new ideas and art-jewelry. Her jewelry speaks to a whole new generation of people wearing something 100% made by hand and unique. Robin helped me take my ideas and make something concrete, she showed me that you can make every single thing by hand if you are willing to work hard and she took me to my first gem and mineral show... I was hooked!
Enough about me but it's safe to say there will be quite a bit in my shop that I have made myself... especially if you visit our shop in person, I have made scarves, ceramics, jewelry, bags, terrariums... If I have an idea I will make it. I will continue to carry my favorite designers - the ones I can not do without (Lucky Fish & more...) as well as newly found, unique, and very special things be it for home, jewelry, clothing... you name it! But what I am not going to do is have collections of clothing for Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter - because I just don't shop that way anymore for myself so I don't think you do either. I feel pretty secure in the thought that you want things that can't be found somewhere else and I want to have my shop filled with things that will make you happy, healthy and more secure in yourself. I want your home to look like place you love to be in and I want to help you make yourself strong and powerful (you probably already are but I'll help you to be MORE so!)
It's a slow process but you will see new things and that's the point, but don't be afraid to drop me a line and let me know if you like it... or if you don't! And if you don't get enough of me here on my blog then follow me on Instagram where it's easier for me to post frequently and keep you going - either @nonchalantmom or @carina.schott for my jewelry and pottery making escapades!
global parents,
home design,
new store,
who knew
California Fire Help
My friend Jess Brown got together with some of her friends to create a website of artists and makers - 100% of all the proceeds go to help victims of the California Fires. Check out the website here: www.californiafirehelp.com
The donations keep flowing in and as long as they are coming in she will keep the website going. So far they have raised $19,000 with 100% of sales to Redwood Credit Union North Bay Fire Relief Fund.
(I even have a piece on there :)
global parents,
Swedish Death Cleaning... it's not what you think
When I read this article in TreeHugger it just rang so true to me, at some point in my life my mom just began referring to things as "when I die, you can have this bracelet"... but it's not just one thing, it goes through just about everything - dishes, pots, pottery, christmas decorations, you name it. It's a private thing and I am sure my sister gets it on her side as well, however my sister does not appreciate the finer things in "stuff" like I do - so I'm pretty sure I get it more often than she does. So when I found this story on 'Swedish Death Cleaning' something inside me perked up. Part of me thought that it was going to be about some kind of hard-core cleanliness cleaning type thing, which of course is possible with Swedes, but it's not... and there is a book about it, written by a Swede of course, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, by Margareta Magnusson.
In Swedish, the word is "Döstädning" and it refers to the act of slowly and steadily decluttering as the years go by, ideally beginning in your fifties (or at any point in life) and going until the day you kick the bucket. The ultimate purpose of death cleaning is to minimize the amount of stuff, especially meaningless clutter, that you leave behind for others to deal with. Who can resist doing something called Death Cleaning anyway....
I think that a big part of this is cleaning up your life so that your family doesn't have to deal with it after your death, practical right. Magnusson says that the first secret to effective death cleaning is to speak about it always. Tell others what you're doing so they can hold you accountable.
She writes: "If you vocalise it, it will come. Or something like that." Pass on your belongings in order to spread the happy memories. The second key point is not to fear death cleaning:
I have to say that personally I can't picture this happening with me, if you know me and you've seen my home you know I love all my 'things' and can't imagine life without all of these memories around me. You can pick up anything in my home and I have a story behind it... many of those stories include how I hide any of my thrift shopping from my husband.
And don't tell my husband about it... I will never hear the end of it.
link to purchase book here
link to full article on Treehugger here
In Swedish, the word is "Döstädning" and it refers to the act of slowly and steadily decluttering as the years go by, ideally beginning in your fifties (or at any point in life) and going until the day you kick the bucket. The ultimate purpose of death cleaning is to minimize the amount of stuff, especially meaningless clutter, that you leave behind for others to deal with. Who can resist doing something called Death Cleaning anyway....
I think that a big part of this is cleaning up your life so that your family doesn't have to deal with it after your death, practical right. Magnusson says that the first secret to effective death cleaning is to speak about it always. Tell others what you're doing so they can hold you accountable.
She writes: "If you vocalise it, it will come. Or something like that." Pass on your belongings in order to spread the happy memories. The second key point is not to fear death cleaning:
"Death cleaning isn’t the story of death and its slow, ungainly inevitability. But rather the story of life, your life, the good memories and the bad. 'The good ones you keep,' Magnusson says. 'The bad you expunge.'"Finally, Magnusson encourages those engaging in Swedish death cleaning to reward their efforts with life-enhancing pleasures and activities, such as going to watch a movie, spending time in the garden, or eating an enjoyable meal. Besides, you need to enjoy yourself after purging all those belongings. I am pretty sure I would enjoy this book, but I'm not ready for it.
I have to say that personally I can't picture this happening with me, if you know me and you've seen my home you know I love all my 'things' and can't imagine life without all of these memories around me. You can pick up anything in my home and I have a story behind it... many of those stories include how I hide any of my thrift shopping from my husband.
And don't tell my husband about it... I will never hear the end of it.
link to purchase book here
link to full article on Treehugger here
WASTED! The Story of Food Waste...
I don't care how careful you are to use the whole plant in your cooking this is going to open your eyes! What a great movie for all Americans to see - it's not shaming, because maybe you didn't even know this but this movie will teach you how to eat the whole pant... it's okay and even delicious!
This movie is in Theaters and On Demand now....
This movie is in Theaters and On Demand now....
Have you ever thought about living on a boat!
It's a particular dream of mine, my boat (in my dreams) would be docked somewhere in the Mediterranean, not in front of Barclays London - but anyway.... I used to draw my converted tugboat on napkins when I lived in San Francisco - I promise you there was more than one drunken drawings of my lovely boat and I can still make that sketch if you ask me (it involves a hammock). So when this beauty came up on the Dwell blog I started to count my money, unfortunately I didn't make it... Maybe next time!
The details on this boat are amazing, the rustic outside compared to the quite beautiful and luxurious inside - pared down to the essentials but still, somewhat luxurious (I mean there's a queen size bed for gods sake!). So the price quoted by Dwell... $424k! Not bad... two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living space and even outdoor living space. I mean it takes a very special life situation to live on a boat, but who knows, maybe that's YOU!
click here to see the full story on Dwell
KALON giveaway
Just passing this on as these guys are my favorite furniture people! Enter their contest and you have a chance to win $$ towards your new babies room and also clothing!
Kalon has teamed up with Rylee + Cru and Coyuchi, two other California brands all about clean aesthetics and relaxed luxury, to give away $1500 ($500 per brand) to one lucky winner. Two additional winners will receive $100 gift certificates to Rylee + Cru.
Entry form and full contest details here.
In partnership with Mother Mag.
Matcha Latte Recipe
Here it is folks... I've had a few frantic texts requesting the recipe so here you go!
So yes, this is my new JAM as the young kids say (haha) - bye bye coffee... HELLO MATCHA! I've been telling you all for years about taking Astragalus for your immune system, but since I have been drinking Matcha instead of coffee in the morning there is no need! My allergies are at bay and I have no need for coffee. This is terrific! I also think it's good for our bodies to switch things up. I think it would be optimal to fast each month or so... but I never seem to get that done. In the mean time just drink this... it's super delicious!
I got my recipe from my niece while we were on our summer vacation in Colorado. She made them for us every day so when I got home I ran out and got everything - I will say this, this stuff is NOT CHEAP but it's a big initial investment but it will have you set for a long while. I think it's also a good idea to mix things up a bit and come up with your own recipe. Mine is different every day so let's say it's a variation on the below recipe.
you will need a blender or vitamix - if you don't have a vitamix go out and get yourself one it will change your life!
1 tbsp + hemp seeds - to make the milk
1 tsp + matcha (finely ground matcha green tea - it's basically a powder)
1/2 - 1 tsp morniga (again finely ground leaves) - immune booster
1/2 - 1 tsp ashwaganda - I love the SUN POTION brand - their website has all the benefits listed and they are many!
1/2-1 tsp collagen
my neice uses 1/2 a date I like a whole date
(she also adds cashew butter or something and I will do that if I am not going to have breakfast but if it's just a drink I leave that out)
1/4 - 1/2 tsp vanilla (just a few drops)
1/2 - 1 tsp cinnamon
filtered water
... I think that's it, however you can add anything!
take the hemp seeds and about +/-2 cups of water and blend those into a milk. It will get a bit warm and this is good to help mix in the tea. You can also make the whole thing warm/hot with hot water! (my sister likes it like that but it's too thick for me)
When you have your milk put in your other desired ingredients and blend for a while so that it gets warm and a tiny froth. I pour over a 2-3 ice cubes so that it's not too thick - I guess I like it watered down (I'm a weakling). When I drink it it's not cold but not hot either... healthy!
I can't wait to hear from everyone... tell me how MUCH you love this!
I got my recipe from my niece while we were on our summer vacation in Colorado. She made them for us every day so when I got home I ran out and got everything - I will say this, this stuff is NOT CHEAP but it's a big initial investment but it will have you set for a long while. I think it's also a good idea to mix things up a bit and come up with your own recipe. Mine is different every day so let's say it's a variation on the below recipe.
you will need a blender or vitamix - if you don't have a vitamix go out and get yourself one it will change your life!
1 tbsp + hemp seeds - to make the milk
1 tsp + matcha (finely ground matcha green tea - it's basically a powder)
1/2 - 1 tsp morniga (again finely ground leaves) - immune booster
1/2 - 1 tsp ashwaganda - I love the SUN POTION brand - their website has all the benefits listed and they are many!
1/2-1 tsp collagen
my neice uses 1/2 a date I like a whole date
(she also adds cashew butter or something and I will do that if I am not going to have breakfast but if it's just a drink I leave that out)
1/4 - 1/2 tsp vanilla (just a few drops)
1/2 - 1 tsp cinnamon
filtered water
... I think that's it, however you can add anything!
take the hemp seeds and about +/-2 cups of water and blend those into a milk. It will get a bit warm and this is good to help mix in the tea. You can also make the whole thing warm/hot with hot water! (my sister likes it like that but it's too thick for me)
When you have your milk put in your other desired ingredients and blend for a while so that it gets warm and a tiny froth. I pour over a 2-3 ice cubes so that it's not too thick - I guess I like it watered down (I'm a weakling). When I drink it it's not cold but not hot either... healthy!
I can't wait to hear from everyone... tell me how MUCH you love this!
natural disasters and otherwise
In the past I have been silent when it comes to these natural disasters, I think I do what everyone does and I try to get all of the information, from the REAL press - yes that would be the free press that we have here in our country, we are so lucky to have it - we can complain about it all we like but when something like Hurricane Harvey comes along we can see what's going on, we can come together and help as much as we can from afar and we can send our prayers because we are seeing the devastation. Doing what we can, that's the name of the game and not just closing our eyes to what is going on in the world around us. This could be a moment to donate to the RED CROSS and it could also be a moment to find a pet climate change project and donate to that... these both seem viable to me. In our short lives on this planet we have been through our share of natural and not natural disasters, Sandy, what was the name of that fricking snowstorm after Sandy which was equally devastating and left us with no electricity for a week in the wintertime! And then there is the reason we left NYC... we were just blocks away from World Trade Center. So we do know how the government can help because FEMA provided us with water when we were afraid to drink the water in lower Manhattan and they gave us a place to go to get information. I was pregnant at that time so I was a bit on 'high alert' in my mind about being careful about my health - they handed out face masks, they were kind and helpful. That meant a lot at that time and when you are in a situation such as this you have now idea how much having somewhere to go, someone who has answers - how much that helps.
Now I am going to go into the flip side because I am also a business owner and only another business owner knows how something like this can affect our business. It is pretty devastating when you are a small business - so while we have our minds on what's going on in Texas, we are also trying to keep our businesses going in the best way possible. We donate as a business and a family but after listening to many MANY NPR fund drives I have realized the benefit of using my business to raise money wherever I can so here we go...
Donate to the Red Cross and get a match of your donation from Amazon -
I have checked around and I think this is the most effective way that we can help Texas in the immediate situation and get the most bang for your donating buck. Now that Whole Foods (a favorite) has combined with Amazon (not a favorite) we can use the Amazon resources to get double the impact, they will match your donation through the above link.
Dontate to the Red Cross - get funds directly to Red Cross as efficiently as possible, the website gives you a choice of what you want your money to go towards - Harvey Relief, your local Red Cross or other choices.
All Hands Volunteers - A network of volunteers to help - hands on - in a way that only people can, over 200,000 volunteers have helped over 500,000 people so far through All Hands Volunteers.
Houston Humane Society - maybe you don't want to help humans and you only want your funds to go towards helping animals
The Houston Food Bank - This will be essential in the coming days so help them replenish their shelves by donating.
Or find your way to help as you can. We will be donating 10% of our sales in the coming week to the Red Cross - doing what we can to help, don't worry too much about who you are donating to just donate!
love to all - carina
flea market - vintage section
I'm a huge fan of anything made from wood, but animals - they have a special place in my heart! |
I am a life-long collector of things, I started going to flea markets at the age of 20 - so that's over 30 years of experience and it takes experience, I can tell because my husband is a bit of a greenhorn at it. He picks up things that I know are out there - it takes experience to find the things that are NOT out there, I call them treasures and I share them with you so you can also get some vintage finds without searching... just click here to view my vintage items. I bring my kids with me now that they are older because I think it's a bit of an education, it gives them meaning to all the things that have fallen to the way-side. And from time to time they pick something up and treasure it more then their cell phones - now THAT's worth it!
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funny muslin viking |
So while I don't really want to brag - I am going to claim bragging rights to say that I know what I'm doing out there, the only problem is you have to have a similar aesthetic as me to like it too! That's why flea marketing, antiquing, estate sale-ing is so fascinating. It's amazing to see what people go for! In the case of estate sales it's a bit sad and I do break out a tear from time to time to see people rifling through other peoples things - it's like vultures - but you have to realize that these things would go into the big garbage dump if this wasn't so interesting to us folks who care about it. And guess what, it all becomes a treasure to me... I clean them up, shine and bright, I fix any holes, and they have a new life - maybe it's even a better life than the old one, because now it's a treasure! I use all my old things, yes you might have to be more delicate but hey that teaches your kids an appreciation for things that they would not normally have.
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new (old) 1970's sofa |
We just got a new sofa from, probably the 1970's, it's amazing! But my kids want to crawl all over like they did with our durable Ligne Roset TOGO sofa (indestructible what we did to that thing!). It's a way for me to draw the line and they know it's drawn.... This wonderful sofa that you love so much is as OLD AS ME so treat it nicely. It's amazing really the arm rest's pop-up in this ingenious way, they just don't make them like this anymore. I wish I know who to attribute it to, I couldn't find anything but I love it all the same! TREASURE...
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vintage sterling silver |
Lately, I have been looking for some nice vintage silver jewelry, I'm looking forward to my road trip where I am sure I will find some treasures along the way and no matter how packed my car is I am sure I can fit some jewerly in there at the VERY least. If you want to drive with me - shoot me an email... departing Denver on August 8th.
Shop our Vintage items here
home design,
new store,
road tripping,
crystal meanings... there's an app for that!
So is there a fantastical app for those of us design freaks who also love crystals. You know what I mean, well designed, simple, gorgeous graphics - you're all set with STONE. With this app you can look up your favorite crystal and find it's the crystal app to bring a little light to your modern life (just like my netted crystal necklaces!). See, it's not only me who thinks everyone should be wearing a crystal these days, it's these guys at STONE too (designed by Jack Flintermann)
It carries this lovely description
STONE has:
- Elegant design and intuitive functionality
- Beautifully captured crystal specimens
- Short-and-sweet descriptions of crystals and their super powers—written just for you
An always-on, easy-to-access manual of minerals for your back pocket or the bottom of your Birkin bag, STONE is the perfect companion for the uninitiated and crystal cognoscenti alike.
Please enjoy with an open mind.
Follow us on IG: @stoneproject
And on the web: stoneproject.co
Disclaimer: This mobile app is intended for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. It is not, and is not intended, for use in the diagnosis of any mental health conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of depression, anxiety, or disease.
So in case I forget to include the description of your stone when I send it to you (it can happen to the best of us) you can check your app. A lot of people want to buy a crystal for a friend, this would be a good place to do a little research and see what you want to get them - then I can net you a crystal of your choice!
Good vibes all around... am I right!? (thanks Laura Forst for turning me onto this one!)
It wasn't easy for me to find the app (maybe it's just me...) so here's the link!
find STONE here
Young Explorers
Just wondering what little kids would do all day if they wandered around alone? I think that's what the creators of this beautiful story were thinking. Jacob Krupnick followed these kids on a beautiful silent journey as they walk around their neighborhood. The kids are so natural in their habitat and I could just watch this all day long...
I think more stories will be added over time.
click here to watch Bejla and Tristan make their way around the town.
global parents,
who knew
South Hampton :: interiors
Through July 31st get yourself to see the interiors project by R & Company (another mailing list you might want to get your name onto) They have this fun instillation with works by The Haas Brothers, Wendell Castle, Rogan Gregory, Carlo Hauner, Greta Magnusson Grossman, Joaquim Tenreiro and Jeff Zimmerman at Jeff Lincoln Art + Design. It looks fun and should be filled with wonderful inspiration.
Jeff Lincoln
200 North Sea Road
South Hampton, NY
global parents,
home design,
road tripping,
renovating a mobile home
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renovated Winnie! |
I know I am not the only one with this dream, does your heart jump when you drive by a sweet looking Winnie? Who cares about a Porche when you can have an Airstream? Well if these are your dreams as well take a look at this 1982 Winnebago that was renovated by a young couple and they did a pretty bang-up job! Just gives you an idea what a little imagination and a bit of elbow grease can get you. And your days of touring the USA could be just a hearbeat away!
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add your own personal touch with handmade handles etc... |
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this image gives you a full view |
The story was in an online Dwell magazine article - see the full article here.
It will give you all the details and quite a few BEFORE/AFTER images that will knock your socks off!
home design,
road tripping,
zenbunni - new moon: rabbit report
I don't know about you but the newsletters I choose to get have become a slim group of lovely happy emails that I am actually excited to get... I look forward to them - some for their graphic beauty and some for their delightful information. ZenBunni is a bit of both, this is a youthful couple who always enlighten me about things be it - biodynamic chocolate or the moon phases (I think they have a lot to do with each other...) - and I also just like who they are and how the move in the world. If you have a friend that is going to California I have one suggestion, ask them to bring you back some of their chocolate! Or you can sign up for their chocolate club (yes, you heard me right there's a club for chocolate and why are you not ALREADY part of this club you may ask!) I have been trying to bring their chocolate into the shop for a while now, but haven't gotten around to it, I promise to try to make it a priority! But for now sign up for the CHOCOLATE CLUB:
On each Full Moon you'll receive a variety of ZenBunni chocolate goodies not available in shops + other delights ranging from Biodynamic Seeds and Teas, the highest quality skin care products, hand crafted art pieces, and endless more collaborations with Makers and Earth Friends.
Now, doesn't that sound delightful! It's $39per full moon cycle and so wonderful. Don't miss signing up for their new moon rabbit report, it's a check-in and for instance the one I got today reminded me to check-in with natures cycle. I think the summer is a very busy time for everyone, carting our kids from camp to sleepovers, etc... and we rarely take the time to give to ourselves, slow down, walk into the garden and find the wonder that is growing in our back yards. We ask our kids to do it, but sometimes we forget to do it ourselves. They reminded me to take a nap in the afternoon, which I shall do tomorrow just because they told me to - they used the term "self-nourishment" and I like that term!
enjoy and I hope you sign up for their newsletter! (and I HOPE you have signed up for mine too!)
click here to visit their blog
click here to visit their website
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racer top tied to reveal a burst of color and beautiful back of top |
I know it's late in the season but Irene Peukes works on her own calendar and I respect that - besides I love these pieces all year round. I know they are not for deep winter but I'm telling you will use these pieces for just about anything and travel - just fold them up and throw in your bag and you are ready for anything!
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gorgeously fitting with a racerback shape |
Gorgeous pieces for a womans body.
shop on the website here
What the future looks like for Nonchalantmom - hint: it's sunny and bright!
I think some people think that being a shop owner is one of those jobs that doesn't really count, maybe it's a job that is just a bunch of fun or maybe there isn't a lot of talent involved.... you know what I mean. I've always been a bit "shy" when I'm at a party and everyone is talking about what they do for a living and I do my best to keep my name out of the conversation. But really these days I feel like it takes so darn much talent that I'm proud of myself that I am still in the game, when so many have fallen by the wayside, I'm still here. It is not easy to navigate the retail landscape, and these days, well... it's just not what it used to be - there was a formula, buy wholesale bring it into your shop and get as many people in to see said wholesale item and sell it, wait 90 days and put whatever is left on sale, it was followed and we were all fine. But not anymore!
I should take some credit here as I was one of the first to internet-tise the local shop, but the absolute upside down of retail these days is so very hard to understand, much less try to make a living at it! For a couple of years now, I have been in - "what the heck is going on" and "what are we going to do?" mode and I must say that we tried it all - but I do know this... it's not about the S A L E, that's the beginning of the end, it might be hard for you the consumer to hear that because the consumer has been reaping the benefits of all the retailers not knowing what else to do so just go on sale and then maybe you will be able to pay your rent. I watch, I listen and I hear what's going on - with my closest friends also shop owners we are all having the conversation about what and where do we go next.
I am still not sure where it is we will go, but I do know this - it's changing. And these are the things that I am thinking about:
- I know where I want to spend my money, I know WHO I want to give my hard-earned money to and I know what their face looks like - I want to know the person who made it, designed it, had the idea, sewed it, polished it, found it, pieced it together - yes, that person who MADE it.
- I want to go to my local grocery store and find things on the shelves that are well-designed, have less ingredients (and I can READ them), and I now will be good for me - I don't have to question that very basic thing that makes it a FOOD. And the only place I can do this is the Farmers market, my local co-op or Whole Foods (lucky you if you have other options in your area).
- If a company is making something somewhere else, they are being socially responsible about it. They are spending time in that place and helping the people realize that what they are making are appreciated by consumers and sharing that benefit. But, I am always checking to make sure there is sincerity in this outreach and it's good to do your research here and know the people you are dealing with on food, clothing and home items.
And most of all there is no place for greed in this bright new world, that's the world that I want to help create with my business and it's what I want to foster and grow. It's the people I want to be with, these are the people that I want to walk into my shop and I want to spend time with them. Because otherwise this project is just not so much fun or meaningful.
So back to my shop, because things ARE changing. You are not going to see my shop full of Fall 2017 collections, my vision is that you are probably going to get a few new things for yourself in the next season and I hope to have those things for you. I am going to focus on more seasonless clothing, wear-now clothing, less is more and special pieces are yes... special! I will have just a few, I am in it to sell through it and move on. Since I am not going deep into clothing I will have other special items that I think you will like and peek your interest. Slowly introducing incense to make your room more enveloping and luxurious. Oils and scents that will help you move through your day in a calm and awakened state. Jewelry that will make you feel like you are your own person, a unique individual even if you are wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. Things for your whole family so that they can be proud of what they wear. I hope to teach you to mend your things that are broken, make your current clothing more YOU and maybe even make some of your own jewelry. And if that all works out we will add lots of exciting things that will bring a smile to your face and make your body heal itself.
I do feel that second had has a place in this landscape, I have always been a huge fan of second hand - - one persons trash is another persons treasure! It's so terrific to give life to what might otherwise be thrown away and since I have a lifetime of experience at this I am pretty choosy and I think I am pretty fair about how to price things. I hope you find treasures for yourself in the flea market section of my shop.
I am going to continue to deepen and make more jewelry, pottery and some other projects that I can't wait to get my hands into, I want half of my shop to be things that I have made myself (that's a long term goal!) and surround that with vintage, talented makers and designers, and things I find along life's journey. Because we are all in this together and I can't wait for the next chapter to unfold. Now that I have created my own website I am so much more flexible to move and change on a whim. I am sure that some of you have ideas for me and I am always happy to hear from you, it's been so special to meet so many of you in my shop, many people that I have known by name for 14 years and now getting to know with your once a year visit to beautiful Rhode Island.
now THAT'S the future!
Recently, sitting outside at a party, I was reminded to put my Patio Oil into my summer handbag - you know, just in case... I heard that this summer there will be a bumper crop of nasty mosquitoes so you can be the hero of any party if you bring your Patio Oil! It smells delightful, more nature than buy spray. And nothing makes me more irritated than someone pulling out a horrible bug spray and letting it float all over the party! GREAT FOR KIDS!
Keep bugs away with lemon eucalyptus soybean and other essential oils. Enough said right...
Plus like it says on the bottle, it cools as it refreshes and moisturizes skin with chamomile, calendule, hemp and jojoba oils.
get yours here
Hedi Lamar : icon, immigrant, inventor
I haven't seen this movie yet but it looks terrific (but I'm a fan for biographies) - it seems she was quite the scientist and had a lot of great ideas. There's an interview with her from 1969 on utube which is terrific. She is the kind of person who wasn't wasting any time in their life, using every bit to find and do more. Her interests are vast and she even helped her boyfriend, Howard Hughes build a faster aircraft with ideas she had about the wing span, which she picked up from watching birds and fish and there you go... Howard made his planes faster.
watch the clip here
and this fantastic clip from the Merv Griffin Show
She seems like a fascinating woman.
The Heat Dome
Yesterday during On Point on NPR with Tom Ashbrook (June 22, 2017) there was a fantastic discussion of the Heat Dome that has settled over the South West - with temperatures in the 125+ degrees. One man who works at the airport was working in 118 degree heat overhead and the tarmac was a stifling 180 degrees! The discussion of Climate Change has been going on for awhile, but this program was interesting because it suggested solutions that we will all have to become more aware of as time goes on. From shaded areas, which you are finally seeing more and more of in places like Las Vegas - but are also needed everywhere. It was a great discussion with Charles Redman in particular, he runs the School for Sustainability for Arizona State University, his second moniker is even more interesting: Professor at ASU’s School of Human Evolution and Social Change - how's that for an interesting title, I don't even know this guy and I like him.
It's something that I put a lot of stock into and I think many people overlook - SHADE! I use it throughout our home and I know my family thinks I'm nuts but I have a system to keep us cool and we don't have AC. It's a series of open windows, shades, etc... The most important planning when building a home is placement of your home with regards to the sun and placement of windows and overhangs (how large or small is the overhang). Watch how cool air moves through your home and use it to keep your home cool without AC. Find the cool breeze and help it to move through your home. For instance in the morning there is almost always a cool breeze at our front door which lasts until about noon or just after, as soon as the sun hits that area I shut the door.
Your biggest helper is SHADE - our school PTO raises money year after year, and year after year I suggest trees around the playground so that there is shade on the playground, year after year everyone laughs at me - and then we end up buying more technology for the school - it's frustrating but one of these days someone is going to listen and think it's a good idea. Parking lots, why can't they have trees!? It drives me NUTS!
It's a great discussion and I for one, am happy that people are starting to think about these things. It was good to hear this program - some interesting conversations were started.
here is the link to listen to the show on NPR
and type "solar" into my search to find more things I have posted on this subject - this is not a new obsession for me, I'm constantly having this conversation.
Many Moons - only a few left!
In case you haven't ordered your new Many Moons workbook for July - December 2017 I hope you can get in there and order, I just have a few left - and when they are gone, they are gone! These books have helped my journey to inner peace with myself and also navigating my way through this seemingly crazy time that we are experiencing with lots of negativity surrounding us. It has helped to put me in a peaceful space, set goals for my work and open new paths that I only dreamed about before. I found a way to be more active in my decisions and this all came about with the help of these workbooks! They are written in the most familiar and inviting way (I've grown to love the typos). She asks questions that help you to reflect on your personal path - but I happen to like her suggestions, they are the best!
Many Moons is written by a collaboration of people under the name "Modern Women". Sarah Faith Gottesdiener brings together this great group of collaborators who help to bring a diverse amount of information and a wealth of knowledge.
Find the books on my website here
furniture :: kalon and finishes for wood
Kalon is one of my favorite furniture makers and recently they posted an article in their journal about wood and their finishes. I remember when we built our home and I struggled with our builder because I wanted everything unfinished. I told him that my families home in Sweden has pine floors that have never had a finish on them - let's just say we fought about it for a long time (I won! - most of the time). I think that coating beautiful wood with poly wax or whatever is a bit ridiculous and totally oversold by an industry of... well whatever... paint!
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caravan crib turned into a cute day-bed! |
In this article by Kalon they explain why they finish some things, and not others... thank you for explaining it! and it makes total sense, and no you do not need to finish everything! But... you do need to sometimes, but NOT all the time! There is nothing more beautiful than the natural grain of wood and their furniture shows off just that... the gorgeous wood, oh, and yes it's functional. Their furniture grows up with your kids (and doesn't need to be thrown, sold or given away), it's simplicity means that it can meld with whatever style is in your home and it won't change your entire personality. You adorn IT they way you want or you can leave it alone - it's your choice. OH and they sell organic mattresses to go with your beautiful kalon bed!
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finishers used in NATURAL finishing - oil-wax and hemp oil! |
Oops, I went off task there (look at their website, you will LOVe everything)... In this article you will find how to finish your pieces, what is best for what wood, natural finishers (!!) and the how-to of it all. So you can make your own decisions, don't let someone tell you that you need to put toxic finishers on your beautiful solid non-toxic wood! Here, Kalon explains natural vs. synthetic finishes:
Natural vs. Synthetic Finishes
Solid wood is a living, breathing material that responds to its environment. This is also true for the solid brass used in the custom drawer pulls and feet. We coat these materials with natural, live finishes as opposed to synthetic, poly finishes because of the way they reveal the natural beauty of the materials and allow them to continue to breathe and patina. Polyurethane may preserve the look of raw wood, but it encases it in a plastic coating that freezes the piece in time. It allows for less frequent maintenance, but damage means that the piece must be completely stripped and refinished. A natural oil and wax finish requires more regular care, but any damage can be spot repaired with light sanding and oiling.But don't try this on your Ikea furniture :)
visit the Kalon website here
link to article on finishes here
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caravan crib by Kalon |
Education at Sea :: Oliver Hazzard Perry
If you are thinking that a cruise is not for you, well maybe the Oliver Hazzard Perry is your answer. The name Commodore Oliver Hazzard Perry is a familiar for anyone in Rhode Island, it's the name for one of our most traveled roads here in the South County, but did you know that he led us to victory over the British in the Battle of Lake Erie in the War of 1812. His namesake ship is now in port at Fort Adams in Newport, Rhode Island. It is the first ocean-going, full-rigged ship to be built in the United States in over 100 years.
Here ends your history lesson, this amazing ship takes 32 trainees and 17 professional crew members as a 'sailing school vessel' on a voyage that leaves from Newport or Boston up to Nova Scotia (there is also a shorter legs available). But don't think you will be kicking back and laying around this ship... On the Oliver Hazzard Perry you will take on the duties of any sailor. This ship doesn't take passengers, everyone has a role - which includes working the sails (crewing), working in the kitchen (galley), and keeping things neat and tidy. Everyone is involved, this program is focused on growth and leadership development for students of all ages.
Get a taste of life on a tall ship! Hands-on, inspiring, innovative learning - experience climbing aloft, hauling lines and being at the helm. This ship is some 200 feet, with 7 miles of rope, 160 belaying pins and 20 sails!
From what I can understand the ship is traveling the seas so you need to check the website to see where it's at and where you could pick up your journey. At the moment they are offering voyages for the summer of 2017, including the eastern seaboard up to Nova Scotia, Canada. There are 7 day legs or 15 day legs of the journey that you can take, this is a non-profit ship and you will be working all the while so accommodations are NOT luxurious. There are two, 16 bed berth with 2 shared bathrooms - which means you are sleeping in a tiny bunk with 16 people! But what a fantastic experience for any teenager (or any age for that matter!).
Get all the information from their wonderful website www.ohpri.org
Summer Travel and a Solar Eclipse!
You might want to plan your summer travel around the solar eclipse that is going to happen this summer on August 21st. We have not experienced this kind of solar eclipse since 1918! And it won't happen again until April 2024. I know, I know - doesn't it feel like this moon and sun stuff happens all the time? Well yes and no... This does happen but it isn't always visible from the United States, in fact, this eclipse will only be visible by a narrow, 70 mile path, across the country. You can watch the video of the path and where it's going here - the path begins in Oregon and crosses through portions of Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina before ending in South Carolina (but check the map to see exactly where it's going to be) and depending on where you are the moon will be covering the sun in a total solar eclipse for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. But remember you cannot watch a SOLAR eclipse without protective eyewear, you can look at the total eclipse with the naked eye, but nothing leading up to it or afterwards - that can cause permanent damage to your eyes.
Should you plan a trip to the Grande Canyon for that very special day... YES! I'm sure you will not be the only one with that idea but what an amazing sight! Apparently at the time of the exact eclipse you can actually see planets and stars! You will also notice a difference in temperature and birds and nature will go quiet. It all sounds very amazing doesn't it. So make your plans early and get yourself in the path of the eclipse. Read more about it on the National Geographic website in an article by Andrew Fazekas, the Night Sky Guy, who is the author of Star Trek: The Official Guide to Our Universe and host of NG Live! Mankind to Mars presentations. He writes a wonderfully detailed article with all the facts and additional photos. It also includes a map for the path of the eclipse. If you are not in the path of the eclipse you may see a partial, depending on where you are in the country.
It's all very exciting isn't it!
It's time for a Lucky Fish Saturday Workshop!
It's time to spruce up all your tired clothes...
Bring your own things to print - each print is $5 or we will have a stash of kids and adult tshirts to print if you forget ($10) This time we are also going to have a patch workshop going choose a Lucky Fish patch and sew onto your jacket, vest or pillow! (or whatever!) We will have the sewing machine out and it's a day of fun and creativity!
email me to sign up
(so that we can get an idea for supplies, etc.. we don't want to run out!)
global parents,
home design,
new store,
home made cashew milk
Have you ever tried to make your own nut milk? It's delicious and not difficult. I tried quite a few different kinds of nuts and grains but I like cashew milk the best and it's the easiest. I only make the milk for my morning coffee so I don't need much - but you could easily make more for consuming. You would not believe how delicious your own nut milk is in coffee!
Take a look at the ingredients of any nut milk you are currently using... yuk right!? gums and other things you might not want to consume. That as well as I was drinking it every day with my coffee and I couldn't stand it anymore. The only thing you have to do is remember that you need to soak your nuts overnight (oh my kids would hysterically laugh if I said that out loud). I love almond milk but it's way too difficult to do on a daily basis (you actually don't need to make it every day - I make it every OTHER day... and I think you can refrigerate for three days and it's okay). So, that brought me to walnuts, amaranth, oats, I've tried quite a few things and sometimes when I don't have enough of one I just combine a few. At any rate I have found that cashew milk is the easiest (you don't even have to strain it!) and it comes out a milky white color that looks like... well... MILK!
take a large ball jar and put about 1/3 cup of nuts in (you will be surprised how few nuts you need to make the milk) and just a few grains of salt - you are basically sprouting the cashews. Fill jar 3/4 with filtered water. You can also add: cinnamon or any spices you like?
Let jar sit over night on counter.
In the morning you can just throw in blender (or even better in a vitamix) and blend for a couple of minutes. You don't even really need to strain it but you can just in case there are lumps. From time to time I add some honey or agave for a bit more flavor. If you don't use it all right away refrigerate and use within 2 days.
In the wintertime when I drink hot coffee I warm up the nuts and water before I put in vitamix - I even add some coconut oil - which is super delicious! Otherwise, I make cold brew coffee with my home made cashew milk... YUM!
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night time photo of cashews soaking and my cold brew coffee so I'm all set in the morning! |
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