claire and the purple wall we have hated for two years! (now it will be gray thank you..) |
Sometimes I think that we are the last to figure this out but we never seem to pull it together to do anything for winter break! Last year we managed to sign up for a ski camp at our local ski hill, so we went skiing every morning until noon, it was really the perfect solution. This year I didn't sign up in time and it was sold out... So here we are finding ourselves at home each day trying to figure out what to do... you would have thought that I had learned my lesson.
Actually, it is always difficult for us to plan something for this vacation because it falls just before my husbands Art shows, he will be at Scope with a gallery called Aureus if you want to visit on March 3 - 6. So you can imagine this last minute man trying to pump out paintings like a mad man (oohh maybe I shouldn't tell this to the open public). Anyway, it is for this reason that we never seem to get anywhere for winter break. So this year, not only are the kids at home for a week, just hanging out (yes, you can almost hear it can't you!?) we have another friend of ours staying with us who is painting our house (on the inside no less...). I hope that you are starting to visualize what is going on here and you MUST be feeling good about any situation that you are in! I am usually so very proud of our small house, but this week I am starting to feel the benefits of a larger house.
For fun or perhaps just to give you an idea of what not to do... I will tell you what we have been doing so far this week. It the very least it's going to make you feel good about
whatever you are doing!
Monday - I am totally exhausted from driving back to RI from NYC - we hang out at home WHILE Claire starts her painting. We look at paint chips and all decide together what colors to paint Franny's room and then also the wall in the living room. We take EVERYTHING out of Franny's room (so now it's all in the middle of the house) and the painting begins. I try to work (why??) and my husband is in his studio painting... torture! The kids end up watching a lot of movies.
Tuesday - We go to the beach with the dog first thing in the morning (I'm no dummy), it's a beautiful day, cold, but beautiful! We end up spending most of the day at the beach and when we come home everyone is tired and Claire is almost finished painting the living room wall for the day. I have time to work, kids play quietly together with blocks and castles... ha!
Wednesday - IKEA!!! need I say more...
plan for Thursday - skiing in the morning at the local ski place.
plan for Friday - any ideas?
I will share the photos of the finished rooms, they look great so far, but a lot of it is details so you probably will not notice... but I will!