Well, when we started this contest we could have never guessed the reaction we received. Today we have completed pouring over the nearly 100 entries we received from around the country, and surprisingly, a few from overseas too! It was FANTASTIC to see so many pictures of so many children wearing some great costumes. What we noticed this year when we were trick-or-treating with our own kids was how many unique home made costumes were on display. That makes us feel better, because it's our opinion that the true Halloween spirit is best presented in something you took the effort to make yourself. This year, we were faced with the first year our own daughter finally realized that she could ask for her own outfit - and what did she choose to be..... you guessed it: a Feather Princess! As for our son, he decided he wanted to go all 'karate' this year and as such, we had ourselves a Ninja Warrior !!! Both costumes were not hard for me to create and the only real compromise was allowing our daughter to have a little pink purse she saw recently in a shop and our son to be able to have the plastic swords that he was way to excited to get his hands on. As you will all agree, there's no better thing than to watch them transform into their characters as they watch themselves in the mirror.... it's just SO FUNNY! Of course, with our son swinging his swords all around and pretending to jump out of trees, our little princess decided suddenly that she needed a sword too. Go figure! But, that's all part of the fun too - children changing their minds right up to the last minute. And, as some of your costumes showed us, that indecision wasn't just limited to our house.
Anyway, with so many wonderful costumes, it became one of the most difficult tasks of all to have to choose just one winner. We wanted to give a prize for all the entries but realized quickly if we did so we would be out of business. So, we came to this conclusion: We'd have our top 15 favorites and one of them would be our GRAND PRIZE WINNER. That way we could share with you a BIG winner and all the very close runner ups! For those of you who sent us your images, we thank you - believe me when I tell you it wasn't easy at all to even come up with a clear list of 15.
the astronaut and the space alien
So, our GRAND PRIZE winner for this years Halloween Costume Contest goes to the 'Astronaut and the Space Alien' in Portland, Oregon. Otherwise known as 3 1/2 year old Pannonica ('PZ' for short) as the astronaut and her 15 month old sister Quinby as the googley-eyed space alien. Our decision was based on a mixture of uniqueness (it was our only astronaut) and knowledge of how difficult it is to create anything that complicated! Congrats guys and thank you Emily for sharing!
In no exact order - we wanted to share with you our other top favorites. Really, we wish we could share with you every single
one of the entries we received... but it's just not possible.
Wild Things: Christian and Micah (Thank You Nicole)
Cat-ter-fly: 3 year old Stella mixes it up in Chicago (Thank You Bridgette)
Peace Loving Hippy: Jane shares the LOVE in Rhode Island (Thank You Meredith)
Catapillar and Butterfly: Ada and Willem in NYC deliver some color! (Thank You Erin)
Scary Princess Ghost: Davis in NYC brings out the TERROR! (Thank You Heather and Rolyn)
Cupcake: How sweet is Olivia's costume in Felton, PA (Thank You Tiersa)
Mermaid: Lucy is swimming in prettiness! (Thank You Becky)
Hello Kitty Ballerina: Mayu mixes it up the cuteness (Thank You Tatia and Scott)
Garden Gnome: 4 month old Cash lights up the garden! (Thank you Melissa)MOST ORIGINAL COSTUME WINNER!!!
circus acrobats: Otis and Bee make a great performing duo! (Thank You Mimi)
The Prettiest Little Moth: Nora in CA flutters about! (Thank You Danielle)
Cheetah: Io in Washington DC sports the spots! (Thank You Alex)
Bloodhound and Bear: Penelope and her pal Lily do it up just right in St Paul, MN! (Thank You Kelly)
Pixie Fairy, Deep Sea Diver, and Lowly Worm: Such Great Smiles - and a GOOD Sport in DAD! (Thank You Erika)
Thank you all again for making the Halloween Costume Contest such a HUGE success. There wasn't one single costume that didn't make us all ooh and ahh!